• Professor, School of Business, Aoyama Gakuin University
  • Address: 4-4-25, Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 1508366, JAPAN
  • Email: hattori “at”

Research Areas

  • Public Economics: Provision of Public Goods, Advertising Regulations.
  • Industrial Organization: Mergers, Advertising, Competition Policy.
  • Environmental Economics: Trade and Environment, Political Economy on Environmental Policymaking.
  • Organizational Economics: Leadership, Team Production.

Published Papers (Refereed)

  1. “A Paradox of Coalition Building in Public Good Provision”, Economic Modeling, 135, 106722, 2024. (Co-authored with Wolfgang Buchholz.) [LINK]
  2. “Who should be Regulated: Genuine Producers or Third Parties?”, Journal of Economics, 138(3), 249-286, 2023. (Co-authored with Keisaku Higashida.) [LINK]
  3. “Effective Leadership Selection in Complementary Teams”, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 176(4), 620-639, 2020. (Co-authored with Mai Yamada.) [LINK]
  4. “Skill Diversity and Leadership in Team Production”, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 174(2), 351-374, 2018. (Co-authored with Mai Yamada.) [LINK]
  5. “Optimal Combination of Innovation and Environmental Policies under Technology Licensing”, Economic Modelling, 64, 601-609, 2017. [LINK]
  6. “Free Entry and Social Inefficiency under Co-opetition”, Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie), 118(2), 97-119, 2016. (Co-authored with Takeshi Yoshikawa.) [LINK]
  7. “Who Benefits from Misleading Advertising?”, Economica, 82(328), 613-643, 2015. (Co-authored with Keisaku Higashida.) [LINK]
  8. “Within-group Cooperation and Between-group Externalities in the Provision of Public Goods”, International Tax and Public Finance, 22(2), 252-273, 2015. [LINK]
  9. “Trade Liberalization and Environmental Regulation on International Transportation”, Japanese Economic Review, 65(4), 468-482. 2014. (Co-authored with Kenzo Abe and Yoshitaka Kawagoshi.) [LINK]
  10. “Misleading Advertising and Minimum Quality Standards”, Information Economics and Policy, 28, 1-14, 2014. (Co-authored with Keisaku Higashida.) [LINK]
  11. “Complementary Alliance in Composite Good Markets with Network Structure”, Manchester School, 82(1), 33-51, 2014 (Co-authored with Ming-Hsin Lin.) [LINK]
  12. “Endogenous Timing in Strategic Environmental Policymaking”, Environmental and Resource Economics, 55(2), 199-215, 2013. (Co-authored with Takahiro Kitamura.) [LINK]
  13. “Environmental Innovation and Policy Harmonization in International Oligopoly”, Environment and Development Economics, 18, 162-183, 2013. [Online Appendix] [LINK]
  14. “Misleading Advertising in Duopoly”, Canadian Journal of Economics, 45, 1154-1187, 2012. (Co-authored with Keisaku Higashida.) [LINK]
  15. “Alliance Partner Choice in Markets with Vertical and Horizontal Externalities”, B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 11, Issue 1 (Topics), Article 13, 2011. (Co-authored with Ming-Hsin Lin.) [LINK]
  16. “Strategic Voting for Noncooperative Environmental Policies in Open Economies”, Environmental and Resource Economics, 46, 459-474, 2010. [LINK]
  17. “Is Technological Progress Pareto-Improving for a World with Global Public Goods?”, Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie), 84, 135-156, 205. [LINK]
  18. Essays on the Private Provision of Public Goods, Ph.D. Thesis, Osaka University, 2005. [National Diet Library, JAPAN: LINK]
  19. “Reconsideration of the Crowding-out Effect with Non-linear Contribution Technology”, Economics Bulletin, 8-7, 1-10, 2003. [LINK PDF]

Published Papers (Others)

  • Comment on “Budgets under Delegation” by Terai, K. and Glazer, A. In Ihori, T. and Terai, K. Eds, The Political Economy of Fiscal Consolidation in Japan, forthcoming, Springer. [LINK]
  • “Political Economy Model of Strategic Environmental Policies: A Survey of Some Recent Work” (in Japanese), Osaka Keidai Ronshu, 60, 225-239, 2010. [LINK PDF]
  • “Effects of Changes in Contribution Skills on the Voluntary Provision of Public Goods”, Osaka Keidai Ronshu, 57, 119-126, 2006.
  • “The Theory on the Private Provision of Public Goods: A Survey” (in Japanese), Osaka Economic Papers, 52-2, 137-153, 2002.

Working Papers

  • “SLAP Typing Task: A New Experimental Paradigm for Teamwork Research”, May 11, 2024, Available at SSRN: [LINK]
  • “Closing the Psychological Distance: The Effect of Social Interactions on Team Performance”, MPRA Paper No. 117042. (Co-authored with Mai Yamada) [ Link PDF ]
  • “Profit-Sharing vs Price-Fixing Collusion with Heterogeneous Firms”, MPRA Paper No. 110800, posted 24 Nov 2021. [Link PDF]
  • “Welfare Implications of Sequential Entry with Heterogeneous Firms”, MPRA Paper No. 103422, posted 15 Oct 2020. (Co-authored with Mai Yamada).
  • “Heterogeneous Consumer Expectations and Monopoly Pricing for Durables with Network Externalities”, MPRA Paper No.89893. November 2019. (Co-authored with Yusuke Zennyo).
  • “Profit-maximizing Wages under Duopoly”, MPRA Paper No.70288, posted 26. March 2016.
  • “How to Commit to a Future Price”, Working Papers 131402, University of California-Irvine, Department of Economics. (Co-authored with Amihai Glazer.)
  • “When Government Misleads US: Sending Misinformation as Protectionist Devices”, Kwansei Gakuin University Discussion Paper Series, No. 75, August 2011. [Link PDF] (Co-authored with Keisaku Higashida.)
  • “Policy and Product Differentiations Encourage International Transfer of Environmental Technologies”, MPRA Paper No. 4777, posted 08. September 2007. R&R
  • “Strategic Delegation of Environmental Policy Making: Corrections and Comments”, August 24, 2007. Available at SSRN:

Academic Positions

  • 2020 Apr. - present: Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University, JAPAN.
  • 2014 Jul. - 2020 Mar: Professor, Osaka University of Economics, JAPAN.
  • 2008 Feb. - 2014 Jul.: Associate Professor, Osaka University of Economics, JAPAN.
  • 2012 Aug. - 2013 Aug.: Visiting Researcher, University of California, Irvine, USA.
  • 2005 Apr. - 2008 Feb.: Lecturer, Osaka University of Economics, JAPAN.


  • Ph.D. Osaka University (2005), Economics
  • M.A. Osaka University (2002), Economics
  • B.A. Kwansei Gakuin University (2000), Economics